Prioritising UX post-launch makes good business sense.

Profile photo of Emma Campbell

Emma Maguire (née Campbell)

May 27, 2022

A woman and man standing at a whiteboard during a brainstorm session. The woman is holding a laptop and drawing on the whiteboard while the man observes.

User considerations don't stop once your product hits the market. Adopting UX after your product is live creates the opportunity to elevate your product from being good to great. A product that users want to keep coming back to use time and time again. 

Evaluate your user’s experience. 

The value of UX should continue well into your post-launch process. Our recommended first step is to evaluate your user's experience with your product and ultimately question whether they came away with a positive one. 

Prompts that you can use with users include:

  • Which features are most valuable to you?
  • Can you tell me about a time when something didn't perform as you expected?
  • Talk me through how you completed a specific task.
  • What would you say if a friend or colleague asked you about the product?

Beware of being feature-rich but user poor.

Jam packing your product with every feature request often begins with good intentions, but it can often create more issues such as overcomplicating a product, hindering usability, or compromising the product quality and stability. You also run the risk of adding features that don't provide users with solutions to their existing problems. Say "hello" to feature fatigue. 

A simple trick to help combat this is to deploy the '5 Whys' tactic. When a user comes to you with a new feature request, ask them why they need it. And for each answer they give, follow up with another why question. This will often get you to the root of their problem. 

  1. Why would project management capabilities help you run your business?
    I currently keep track of projects in my notebook, and it's hard to keep up.
  2. Why are you struggling to keep up?
    I have to keep records of what all my workers, suppliers and contractors are doing, and there are a lot.
  3. Why do you have to keep records?
    For auditing purposes and so I know when a job has been completed.
  4. Why do you need to keep an audit?
    Because I oversee multiple vineyards and need visibility of what is happening, where it's happening and who is doing the work.

The 'Five Whys' doesn't always have to be the magic number of 5. From the example above, you can see that we started with a basic, 'I need project management capabilities'. And now, we understand that due to the multiple vineyards the user is managing, they need a place to keep track of workers, suppliers, and contractors to see an overview of all work and the work per vineyard.

Bo Studio can also help by conducting user research to better understand your users and unearth what features are actually needed before investing development resources. Align this with our UX/UI services and we can help you craft together a meaningful digital product that delivers your business goals and leads to greater business success - both functionally and with pleasing aesthetics. 

Keep them coming back.

There is little patience spent on putting up with niggles and clunky functionality in this competitive digital world.. We expect products to work instantaneously. Simply put, if the product doesn’t do what it needs to do and when we want it to, users leave and look for alternatives. Even a lack of aesthetic appeal can be the difference between keeping a user engaged or losing their trust.

Performing a UX Audit will shed a fresh perspective and provide an unbiased user-centred evaluation of your digital product.

Our UX audit services help identify user retention and conversion issues and identify opportunities to elevate your product design to one that your users want to keep using time and time again. 

Bring UX into your workflow.

We are living in an ever-evolving digital age where so much of our daily personal and business interactions are done digitally. Not to mention, the options are endless in how we choose to consume and interact with information. This places an even greater value on the importance of adopting a UX focus into your business workflow to ensure you are meeting your user's expectations and beyond. 

Don’t worry if you do not have a dedicated UX resource on your team at this stage. By embedding user-focused thinking into your current product team's processes, you'll ensure that users are kept front of mind during the planning and development stages.

Bo can give you a leg up by performing a workflow audit and tailoring a UX Playbook that provides your organisation with practical tools and guidelines to incorporate a UX workflow that encourages strategic design thinking. 

Adopt UX thinking into your product and business strategy and make them exceptional.

Talk to us about any of our customer and user experience concerns and questions. We're here to help!

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