
Introducing Miro to your workflow.

Profile photo of Emma Campbell

Emma Maguire (née Campbell)

June 12, 2024

Screenshot of Miro app showing working on a board.

In the rapidly evolving world of agritech, staying organised, fostering collaboration, and maintaining a seamless workflow is essential. If Miro isn't already part of your daily routine, let this be your most important introduction of the day. For agritech innovators, Miro can be a game-changer, transforming how ideas are generated, shared, and executed.

What is Miro?

Miro is a versatile online whiteboard tool catering to individuals and collaborative teams. It offers a space where users can create, share, and collaborate on visual content like diagrams, mind maps, and flowcharts. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur planning your business strategy or a team working together across different locations, Miro provides a central platform to organise your thoughts, streamline your workflow, and ensure nothing gets lost.

Centralised documentation.

The biggest benefit of Miro is having all your work in one place. Writing notes in workbooks is a great way to get ideas out of your head, but finding and referring back to them is challenging. Equally, whiteboard workshops are a great physical exercise, as standing and talking through thoughts and ideas can be super energising. Still, at the end of the day, you'll have no reference to your work when the whiteboard is clean.

Here are three Miro hacks to help:

Screenshot of Miro app showing FInd functionality.
Screenshot showing the 'Find' functionality.
  1. Find functionality: Within your Miro workspace, you can search for any term, and it will show you all relevant boards and any instance of that term used within boards. This way, you'll always be able to find any content.
  2. Stickies capture: Miro's practical integrated app allows you to snap photos of physical sticky notes from a workshop and upload them to Miro. Miro then converts the image into live sticky notes on your Miro board. This feature perfectly combines the benefits of in-person collaboration with Miro's central repository, ensuring all your work is easily stored and searchable for future reference, meeting your practical needs.
  3. Writing by hand: If you can't shake the feeling of moving from paper to digital, download the Miro app onto your tablet device. This app allows you to write directly onto your Miro boards. I use Miro on my iPad to write out notes or draw wireframes and diagrams, especially when I'm on the go.
Screenshot from Miro app showing handwriting.
Screenshot showing digitally writing and drawing in Miro.

Embracing remote collaboration.

Miro opens the doors to who you can collaborate with. They don't need to be in the room with you but instead anywhere in the world. Whether it's working with your team or getting outside help from consultants, you aren't limited by four walls. Miro boards are accessible to those who need them in real-time or async, and help foster a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Integrating Miro into your workflow.

Screenshot showing the template library on Miro website.

Need help figuring out where to start? With Miro, you don't always need to start from scratch. Miro and other contributors offer countless templates to give you a head start with your planning.

Here are a few worth checking out:

  1. Brainstorming and ideation: Try the Reverse Brainstorming template. It encourages you to think differently and approach a problem from the reverse to find unexpected solutions.
  2. Mapping: There are multiple ways to map your experience, including service blueprints, user flows, and touchpoints. The Customer Journey Map template is a great place to start.
  3. Project planning: Miro can help with your project management with their Kanban Framework Template and the ability to integrate with project management tools like Jira.
  4. User Experience Design: During the experience discovery phase, the Lean UX Canvas Template can help you adopt the mindset of delivering a quality user experience without sacrificing efficiency. 

Other ways to use Miro.

Miro is a blank canvas that you can shape however you want. There are 100s of templates to give you that head start, but you can also create your own to use. Some other ways I've used Miro include:

  1. Note-taking on calls
  2. Facilitating and documenting workshops
  3. Planning article content ideas (for this blog!)
  4. Creating a sales interview template with questions specific to my services
  5. User research presentations
  6. Wireframes
Screenshot of Miro app showing a sales interview template.
My sales interview template.

As you can see, the options are endless. You can leverage Miro to be part of your workflow in any way that suits you and your business.

Getting started.

Sign up for a free account to try Miro. If you enjoy it, I recommend upgrading to the Starter plan, which I use. You can view the plan comparisons here. Just a note, I have no affiliation with Miro, I just love using it!

Any questions? I'm happy to help! Just send a message to

Still feeling stuck?

At Bo Studio, we're all about creating great customer experiences. If you're struggling to bring design thinking into your business, or just want to make sure your current project has a user-centric approach, get in touch. We'd be happy to chat and help out however we can.

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